Sunday, April 18, 2010

Soviet Fun House

....More officially known as the Museum of Political history, where my friends and I spent our Saturday afternoon. Appropriately decorated in several shades of red, this museum further educated me on the Soviet Union (and other parts of history, but mostly the USSR). I already know a fair amount about it, but seeing all of the historical items right in front of me made it that much more real and disturbing.

The thing I found most interesting was the propaganda used during that time to make all the citizens of the USSR submissive:

Check out this tidbit of info:

"The Communist Structure is the best friend of the children"

"Đ¢here are two parties in Russia. The communists and their enemies"

Roughly: "Joyful, colorful childhood-a happy strong family!" (Notice baby waving Soviet Flag)

Well, you get the drift. I felt like I was being brainwashed the whole time I was in there. Here's my best Soviet citizen Impression:


Anyway, the next day my babushka asked me what I had done yesterday. I told her I went to the Museum of Political History. Conversation is as follows (mind you, this is in Russian):

Babu: "And what did you learn, Masha?"
Me:" A lot about the Soviet Union."
Babu: "What about it?"
Me: "Oh a lot of bad things. Stuff Stalin did. I don't know how to say it in Russian."
Babu: "Well, Stalin did a lot of things correctly."
Me: "Um. He also did a lot of things incorrectly." (Trying to contain my sarcasm, which thankfully doesn't translate into Russian)
Semi-mean stare from Babu. The conversation ended there.

I find it amazing that so many people here still revere Stalin. Example: For victory day coming up in a couple weeks, Stalin's mug will grace all of the buses that thousands of people ride everyday. Awesome! (Here is where my sarcasm definitely translates)

In other, more uplifting news, our long trip is coming up! This sunday all of the ACTR kids, including the Moscow and Vladimir groups, are going to SOCHI. (Place of the 2014 winter olympics!) If we all don't kill each other on the 47-hour train ride, it should be a great trip. 2 days to get there, 5 days there, and 2 days back. Please pray that I don't go crazy on the train.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Trip Down Memory Lane- Russian Edition

This week I felt like I was 5 years old again. It was like taking a twisted, Russian-style trip down memory lane.

First at bat was the trip to the open-market my teacher took us to. Yes, the same teacher that threw us out into the street to practice asking for directions, except this time she wanted us to practice buying food. (Like I haven't figured that out by now). I thought it would be cake, until she stopped us in front of the market and said: "Ok children, most of these vendors are from southern Russia and are pretty aggressive". Uh...

So my classmates and I walked inside and it was then I realized I wanted to stay by my teacher's side at all costs- just like a child who doesn't want to get lost in the grocery store. Overly-enthusiastic food vendors were getting right in my face asking me if I wanted to buy some fresh-something-or-other, and when I didn't respond they figured I MUST be foreign and started shouting things like "Mademoiselle! food, very good..its a very good!" "Senorita! try good very food!"

Needless to say I scouted out all the old women to buy whatever vegetable I was told to buy. Things started to calm down until I saw a DEAD PIG in a case next to the fish tank full of nasty fish that were waiting for their turn to die. It was then that I lost my teacher and was surrounded by fish, dead pigs, and aggressive food vendors. I had a minor panic attack until I found the chocolate section. NOM NOM NOM.

Next at bat- went to the coolest toy museum EVER with the same teacher for my culture class. Walking around the museum looking all googly- eyed at the hand crafted toys definitely made me feel like a kid. And Auntie Pam, I got you the coolest present ever from the toy museum!

And last, but CERTAINLY not least.. I finally went to the CIRCUS! It was probably the best 2 hours of my life- replete with elephants, leopards, bears on bikes, chair-climbing men, tight-rope walkers, more elephants, and goat-men.

I don't remember what the American-circus is like, and if this is just a general circus-trait, but this circus was a tad sexual! Girl-on-girl making out, lots of groping, little to no clothing, etc. Little odd considering the place was full of children.

Sexual overtones aside, it was one of the coolest things I've seen in Peter! And eating overly sweet marshmallow things while watching a circus definitely made me feel like I was 5 years old again.


I kind of felt bad for this bear. WHERE IS P.E.T.A!??!

Hope all is well!