But let me backtrack a little bit. Due to my annoying military habit of being 15 minutes early to EVERYTHING (thanks, Dad), I had time to kill before the game and just waited for the group in the metro station. I noticed 1) about 1000 militsia (police) and 2) said militsia stopping a TON of people to ask for their documents. Then I noticed that the people being stopped were all dark-skinned. One of these dark-skinned men simply went up to one of the militsia and handed him his passport without saying anything.
Can you say, "Racial Profiling?" Daily routine here, folks.
Anyway, we get to the game where they take security quite lightly, but would kill you if you brought a drink into the seats. Priority issues here? Yes.
It might be easier to sum up this game with a sort of "Top 10" type of list
1) The crowd had about 10 different types of chants, well songs actually, and they did NOT stop singing for the ENTIRE game.
2) American songs such as "Takin' Care of Business" , "We will Rock You", and "Bad Romance" played between time-outs.
3) Oh, and I can't forget "Y-M-C-A". When that started playing, of course all of us Americans started doing the YMCA dance. Russians really have no idea what the song is because everyone was staring.
4) Russian hockey cheerleaders can't dance. Well, I don't even think American cheerleaders can, but these girls were especially awful. The did a sort of circular motion with their hips and sporadically waved their fur pom-poms whenever they felt like it. Then they literally plopped down on the steps when the music stopped playing.
5) The goalie, Robert Ash, is 'MURRICAN. Every time he stopped the puck we yelled " WE LOVE ASH". Again, the Russians stared. But I'm sure Ash appreciated it. He had an American Flag painted on his helmet= win.
6) The police had an entire section to themselves... where they all sat together with their hands across their chests. You can have fun at hockey games... but not TOO much. Big brother is watching, kids.
7) Before the game, I thought all Russian hockey players would have an Alexander Ovechkin-style of play so I expected a delightfully brutal, quick-moving, violent, on-the-edge-of-your-seat-type of game. Nope:
8)Russian Hockey
9) Is so
10) Slow and sloppy. And high-scoring.
Now I know why the NHL is loaded with insanely good Russian players-they all got bored playing here. Looks like they could use some good ol' fashioned Herb Brooks-style motivation. Oh what the heck: (this is for you, Collin)

Great moments... are born from great opportunity. And that's what you have here, tonight, boys. That's what you've earned here tonight. One game. If we played 'em ten times, they might win nine. But not this game. Not tonight. Tonight, we skate with them. Tonight, we stay with them. And we shut them down because we can! Tonight, WE are the greatest hockey team in the world. You were born to be hockey players. Every one of you. And you were meant to be here tonight. This is your time. Their time is done. It's over. I'm sick and tired of hearing about what a great hockey team the Soviets have. Screw 'em. This is your time. Now go out there and take it!!
Replace "Soviets" with Трактор, the opposing team, and VOILA. Motivation.
But, I shouldn't be so mean. The crowd was really fun to watch! And, St. Petersburg won... Ура, СКА!
In Soviet Russia.... police creepily watch you while you watch hockey games.
The Crowd
And not related at all, but just because its funny:
I honestly don't know how she has so much energy....but I might blow up if she puts another dirty spoon in my bed.
I am fairly Jealous, though not of the oddness that appears to be Russian Hockey, but the fact that you have been able to go to a hockey game is awesome.
ReplyDeleteI'm so broke I can't afford to go to any.
You are aware that the Милиция were actually places around fans of the other team to protect them, yes? They have their own entrance and exit as well.
You should put dirty spoons in her bed one night. Show that 5 year old who is boss lol jk but seriously...
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're having fun! It's great to hear about someone else studying abroad! And I agree with Amber you need to retaliate! lol