But OF COURSE that wasn't the case! First we get to the theater, and can't find where to buy tickets. Obviously it was across the street in another building.... How could we not have known that? (Note: Sarcasm). The tickets were sold out (Again, of course), so we went to another theater down the street.
This theater was less crowded, a little cleaner, and with big comfy chairs- but at the price of 50 extra rubles. Also, they had Mountain Dew! Excited to have some carbonated-goodness, I went up an ordered a medium drink. Clearly they picked up on my accent because 60 ruble drink was only 3/4 full, with 1 ice-cube, and it was flat. When they gave me my change they all laughed at me. I guess my pop-ordering skills are not up to par for Russian movie theater employees.

As if that slap in the face wasn't enough, while I was attempting to watch the Russian-dubbed-American movie, there was a couple behind me who were literally talking the ENTIRE TIME. I learned later that it is more culturally acceptable here to talk during movies, and that they weren't just an annoying couple. *The More You Know!*
Plus side of the evening: Understood most of the movie--It DID help that it was a typical, cheesy, uncomplicated American romantic comedy, but I'll give myself the benefit of the doubt!
Next time I go to the movies here, I'll be sure to isolate myself from the talkative couples. And bring my ibuprofen. (Russian-dubbed movies are not kind to your head).
Just another day in the life.....of Masha DePuglio.
where was the theater you went to? there is a really nice one on nevsky prspect by the mayakovskaya metro stop (i think!). we went once and it was really nice! though we saw a russian movie about some polish war and there was almost no talking:)