The next task was to go purchase my Russian cell phone. Not only did I get to buy a cell phone, I got to experience my first interaction with a drunk Russian. He was wearing the ugliest purple hat I have ever seen and tried to steal a movie. He was saying "Американски девушки" (American Girls) over and over. Good thing the cell phone guy Римель was so nice with helping me, or figuring out how to buy a cell phone while simultaneously being worried about the drunk guy behind me would have been quite difficult.
Then we went to Московский Вокзал (the train station to Moscow) where I had to text Nathan the answer to the question "What famous statue is in the Moscow Train station?" Answer: Peter the Great. I was wondering when I'd see a statue of him.
On the way to our next stop, the med clinic, we got lost in a park. Plus side: ADORABLE RUSSIAN CHILDREN sledding. Russian kids are so cute. And they are all bundled up and can hardly walk, adding to their cuteness. See below.
Finding our way around was not so fun:
After coming back to the dorm (we were 30 minutes late, but one of the only groups to FINISH the scavenger hunt=win), my friend Nina and myself decided to explore the city. Goal: to buy hairdryers (American ones don't work well with converters, and as you all know I don't have the best luck with converters). The store with cheap hairdryers was quite far away, and being semi-afraid of the metro still, we wanted to walk. Well, after wandering down Nevski Prospect for a while with no luck, we had no other option. While figuring out what stop we needed, Nina accidentally smiled at what turned out to be a drunk Russian man-- he walked closer and gave her this creepy "hey babe" type of look. She quickly turned and we gtfo'ed.(Got the frick out).
Got of the metro and found some 'Murrica: MCDONALDS!! Another ordering experience from hell... I walked up to the counter and said in my BEST Russian accent: Чикен Макнуггетс" Literally " Chicken Mcnuggets". This Mcdonalds lady was again very impatient (Noticing a pattern here?) She said something I couldn't understand so naturally I just said "Da". I thought I ordered a combo, but nope. Ended up with 6 nuggets and was too afraid to try and order more. Quite amusing, really...Positive thing: They were playing Lady Gaga in the restaurant.
Adorable Russian girl CHOWING DOWN on a big mac.
Then somehow we found the mall with the electronics store (although we didn't know that while we first walked in). We went into some young hip accessory store and decided to ask them semi-friendly looking Russian women where we can find the store with the hair dryers. WOULD have been easier if we knew the word for hair dryer. She didn't understand so I decided to play charades. I pointed to my hair, said "волосы"(hair) and then waved my hand around my head and went "vroooooooooom vroooooooom". She started laughing and said "AH!, фен!" Went through all of that trouble for a 3 LETTER WORD.
Found the store, just 5 minutes before it closed. Oh and by the way, the store was called El Dorado.. what the heck?
FINALLY, while leaving the mall, some Russian boys must have heard us speaking english, because they yelled, in English (heavy Russian accent): " GIRLS. I LIKE YOU". Again, amusing...
Crazy day to say the least. Here are some more random pictures.
Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, or Спас На Крови
Me in front of Спас На Крови
In Soviet Russia, vacuum sucks YOUUUUUU. OLD vacuum. I'm surprised it works.
Good things today: Successfully ordered two meals without them asking me to repeat myself. (We're gonna forget the McDonalds incident) Rode the metro AND a bus, and bought a cell phone. Also got to know the city a bit better. And by the way, the temperature was in the negatives all day.
Meet my host family tomorrow and move in! They don't have internet so I won't be able to update for a while. Until then, пока!
Ha! Glad to hear things are going so well :) When in need of internet, remember that mcdonald's almost always has free wifi!